Upcoming CPD opportunities

As part of the Postgraduate Diploma in Veterinary Medicine, Central College of Animal Studies will regularly be delivering a range of CPD days designed for new graduate vet interns. Which began in November 2018. The CPD days, form an added value element of the Postgraduate Diploma, as well as an opportunity for graduates to work on their Clinical Skills Log (CSL) during the events.

Focusing on small and large animal … Read more

Postgraduate Diploma in Veterinary Medicine

Launched in August 2018 and awarded by Central Qualifications (CQ), the College’s Postgraduate Diploma in Veterinary Medicine (PgDipVetMed) is designed to facilitate graduates’ transition from veterinary student to qualified veterinary surgeon working in clinical practice.

Graduates enrolled on the Diploma will work in specifically selected approved veterinary practices, under supervision, in order to develop their clinical skills in a supportive working environment. Whilst graduates will usually commence working within a … Read more

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